To look inside

Last year i came across Eduardo Gils project Paisajes/Landscapes
in which he asked people to close their eyes and think of the most beautiful landscape they´ve ever seen and during this he´d make a portrait of them.

Earlier this year i came across the work of Benjamin Donaldson titled Summerland: "Photographs of subjects hypnotized to believe they are experiencing the most beautiful landscape they can imagine."

Then another body of work that pretends to reach inside the subject was Monika Ruzanskys work The Mirror: "I want to to put emphasis on self regard rather than on the relationship the subject has with the photographer. In this way, by multiplying our image i encourage people to start an inner dialog with their own reflection"

Then today, a work college Domingo Valdivieso pointed out the work of Igal Jusidman The Expression of the Unexpression: "For this project I tried to minimize the effect of these forces: I took the subjects out of their habitat and into the studio; Clothing was eliminated so it wouldn’t provide information about the subjects; I standardized their pose choosing the simplest and most natural form; and finally I led each one in a meditation as to relax mind and body.

Standardizing, the photographer stops interpreting the subjects; the subjects cannot appear as they wish to be seen, as they have fixed instructions (on the pose for example); and with the meditation they seize to think in the one they believe they are, and just be.

What’s left is the expression of the unexpression."

The four finally use the portrait as their way to materialize their idea, and it is the idea that makes them different even though they are alike visually.

The birth of NORTENORTH

For about 2 years i´ve been surfing the www in search for images in a need to know whats been done and just out of plain curiosity. Last month i was in Madrid Spain in Descubrimientos as one of the 60 finalists for the PhotoespaƱa prize and it was interesting to find at least to bodies of work that in some way where directly related to mine. So now i´ve made it a task to go back to all those hours spent surfing the web and point out some of these extremely interesting images and their cousins around the world.

We are at a time where we are all influenced and have access to the same information, so why think that we will still be able to be unique?

I still think so!

Here are a few things i´ve found...